Tia Zélia's Restaurant: Fixation, patrimonialization and gentrification in a workers' quarter


  • Daniel Anchieta Guimarães Lobo Pinheiro Universidade de Brasília


Fixation, gentrification, patrimonialization, Vila Planalto, Brasilia


The objective of this paper is to analyze the process of fixation and gentrification in Vila Planalto, a workers' quarter located right in the center of power, between the Three Powers Plaza and the Palácio da Alvorada, through the restaurant Tia Zélia, a neighbourhood restaurant patronised by a left-wing elite and headed by tia (aunt) Zélia, who is often featured in the media as "the president Lula's favorite cook". We aim, then, to understand, through the lens of the literature of urban studies on both the neighborhood and the "heritage-ization" of Brasília and Arkaraprasetkul's (2016) concept of "gentrification from within", how the contradictions of Vila Planalto act for its fixation, patrimonialisation, and gentrification.


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How to Cite

Tia Zélia’s Restaurant: Fixation, patrimonialization and gentrification in a workers’ quarter. (2024). Revista Textos Graduados, 9(2), 57-64. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/tg/article/view/50582