Gypsy Artistic Scene: Interethnic musicking, struggles and imaginaries


  • Isabella Almeida de Abreu Aquino Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo (FFLCH/USP)


Roma, Music, Ethnicity, Musicking


This research sought to understand the effects of interethnic contact between Roma and non-Roma in a localized music scene in Sao Paulo. The focus was on investigating how dancers, musicians and artists build meanings, conduct their trajectories, and produce and reproduce a joint location through musicking. Through ethnography, the relationship between social imaginaries and artistic practices was unveiled, as well as the possibility of music being used as a tool for struggle and survival. The multiplicity of ways of being and belonging, and a mixture of “Brazilianness” and “Gypsyism”, give the “Gypsy artistic scene” its peculiar contours.


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How to Cite

Gypsy Artistic Scene: Interethnic musicking, struggles and imaginaries. (2024). Revista Textos Graduados, 9(2), 21-33.