Corpos profanos: rascunhos sobre a heterossexualidade compulsória e um feminismo lésbico


  • Beatriz de Lima MORAIS Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Brasília




This paper reviews some of the main issues regarding thesystemic erasure  of female homosexuality, and analyses the relations between misogyny and homophobia inflicted upon homosexual and bisexual women under a theoretical perspective. This analysis will expose patriarchal control over feminine bodies, along with the repression of female sexuality in Brazilian society. Adrienne Rich’s contributions to feminist theory will be used to situate the discussion within the context of compulsory heterosexuality. Lastly, it will discuss the possibility of a lesbian feminism, that is, a feminism that questions compulsory heterosexuality and the sexual exploration of women.


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How to Cite

Corpos profanos: rascunhos sobre a heterossexualidade compulsória e um feminismo lésbico. (2017). Revista Textos Graduados, 3(1).