O enigma do passado: construção social da memória histórica


  • Estevão C. de Rezende Martins Universidade de Brasília


The narrative which expresses the reflected memory of time handles with two different human acts (remembering and forgetting) which forms one of the most fundamental procedures of knowledge: historical consciousness. To remember, to forget and to forgive are constitutive moments of the social cohesion of experienced time ”“ say: of history. The ways memories are established represent an important point for the historical research, like an enigma to be solved. Registering memories, registering testimonies are phaenomena of a certain intentionality of acting individuals, transposed to the way history is the interpreted time of the human acts. The interpretation of memories by the historical consciousness into history is the main form individuals and societies define and locate themselves in time.



How to Cite

O enigma do passado: construção social da memória histórica. (2009). T.E.X.T.O.S DE H.I.S.T.Ó.R.I.A. Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Em História Da UnB., 15(1/2), 35-48. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/textos/article/view/27981

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