Contributions of the French Strategic Environmental Assessment to Brazilian planning in water source areas: the Billings Reservoir sub-basin case


  • Carla Grigoletto Duarte PhD in Environmental Engineering Sciences, Lecturer and Researcher, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema, SP, Brazil
  • Larissa Ribeiro Souza Bachelor in Environmental Sciences, Researcher, Laboratório de Ecologia e Conservação da Natureza, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema, SP, Brazil
  • Simone Mendonça dos Santos PhD in Environmental Engineering Sciences, Lecturer and Researcher, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Pontal do Paraná, PR, Brazil



Environmental Planning. Water Resources Management. Public Policy. Protected Springs. Area of Protection and Recovery of Watersheds.


Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a tool that aims to integrate environmental issues into decision-making processes, usually to support the development of sectoral or territorial plans and programs. SEA is mandatory in the European Union and is applied to water management in France. Water management in Brazil is inspired by the French model, but does not have SEA; in the state of São Paulo watersheds of interest for public supply have specific norms and can count on a Development and Environmental Protection Plan (PDPA). In this research we explore three potential contributions of SEA as adopted in French water management for the case of the PDPA of the Billings Reservoir sub-basin. We conducted an evaluative case study for this PDPA, a literature review on French practices, and comparative analysis. We conclude by indicating potential contributions of SEA for the definition of objectives, scoping, and study of alternatives of the PDPA-Billings.

Author Biographies

  • Carla Grigoletto Duarte, PhD in Environmental Engineering Sciences, Lecturer and Researcher, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema, SP, Brazil

    Lecturer and researcher at Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Unifesp. She graduated as an Environmental Engineer and holds a PhD in Sciences of Environmental Engineering, both from the University of São Paulo. Her main research fields are environmental impact assessment and sustainability-based planning, with a recent focus on: integrated water management, waste management, urban planning and ex-post impact assessment. She is the author of two textbooks (published in Portuguese): Strategic Environmental Assessment, and Environmental Impacts: Analysis and Measures.

  • Larissa Ribeiro Souza, Bachelor in Environmental Sciences, Researcher, Laboratório de Ecologia e Conservação da Natureza, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema, SP, Brazil

    Bachelor in Environmental Sciences from the Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema campus, carries out research in the area of environmental planning and management focused on the case of the Billings reservoir basin in São Paulo at the Laboratório de Ecologia e Conservação da Natureza.

  • Simone Mendonça dos Santos, PhD in Environmental Engineering Sciences, Lecturer and Researcher, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Pontal do Paraná, PR, Brazil

    Bachelor in Biological Sciences from the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) with a professional qualification in Environmental Assessment from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), under the Programa de Mobilização da Indústria Nacional de Petróleo e Gás (PROMINP). She holds a Master's and a PhD in Sciences of Environmental Engineering from the Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo (EESC / USP). She has interdisciplinary training and experience in the field of Environmental Sciences, with research and teaching activities in the following topics: Environmental Management, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Water Resources Planning and Management, and Environmental Sanitation. She is currently interested in research related to the integration of Biodiversity into sectoral planning supported by SEA and Ecosystem Services Assessment.


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How to Cite

Contributions of the French Strategic Environmental Assessment to Brazilian planning in water source areas: the Billings Reservoir sub-basin case. (2022). Sustainability in Debate, 13(1), 116.

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