Public health assessment of agrochemicals exposure:
an experience with family farming in the northwest of Rio de Janeiro
Avaliação de Saúde Pública, Ecosaúde, Agrotóxicos, Metais, Agricultura Familiar, AgroecologiaAbstract
Chemical exposure evaluation integrated to its social, economic and environmental determinants ensures the formulation of adequate and effective actions to the social space, as presupposed by the Public Health Assessment method by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), and similar to the Ecohealth approach. Thus, the objective of this study is to describe an experience with public health assessment within communities of family farmers exposed to agrochemicals in São José de Ubá, State of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. The civil society and the public domain were involved in a process that encompassed historical, socioeconomic, cultural, environmental and health information. Occupational and/or environmental exposures to toxicants occur at levels that cause adverse health effects, requiring actions such as agroecological practices, health and environmental education, as well as requalification of health service professionals. The approach drives the individual as an agent that integrates and influences research processes, optimizing hisown empowerment for participatory ecosystem management.
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