Payment for Ecosystem Services -

A strategy for environmental conservation in productive agricultural regions of Brazil?


  • Adolfo Dalla Pria The Nature Conservancy
  • Anita Diederichsen The Nature Conservancy
  • Claudio Klemz The Nature Conservancy



Payment for Ecosystem Services


The world population is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, which will put greater
pressure on natural resources to ensure the nutritional requirements and well-being
for such a large population. Enormous investments in agricultural research, health,
energy sources, material technologies, policies for poverty reduction and strategies
for sustainable development must be made to meet this scenario. Actions to conserve
natural resources and ecosystem services are implicit in sustainable
development strategies. An increase in the number of public policies being
implemented, their results, ongoing projects and research related to environmental
conservation are being observed and attest to their current and future relevance.

Author Biographies

  • Adolfo Dalla Pria, The Nature Conservancy

    Specialist in Agribusiness and Conservation at the environmental NGO,
    The Nature Conservancy.

  • Anita Diederichsen, The Nature Conservancy

    Coordinator of the Water Producer Project at the environmental NGO

  • Claudio Klemz, The Nature Conservancy

    Specialist in Ecosystem Services at the environmental NGO, The Nature


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How to Cite

Payment for Ecosystem Services -: A strategy for environmental conservation in productive agricultural regions of Brazil?. (2013). Sustainability in Debate, 4(1), 317-340.

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