Análise de instrumentos de mercado na gestão do corredor ecológico Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brasil
Ecological Corridors, Conservation Credits, Payment for Environmental Services, Social ParticipationAbstract
In Brazil, the Ecological Corridors (CE) cover about 2.6 million km², including Conservation Units
(UC), private areas and a great social and cultural diversity. However, the implementation of
these Corridors is normally based on the management of UCs. Policies of territorial management
focused on the valuation of environmental assets are still missing. This article aims at discussing
the payment for environmental services (PES) model developed for the CE Chapecó - SC, highlighting
limitations and challenges for social participation. In this sense, it was described the CE Chapecó
creation process and the PES model designed. The adoption of a private model for the PES
program may result in the prioritization of large forested areas, excluding small farmers. While
a public or mixed management model may expand the program target groups. Collective
admission, participatory monitoring and an equivalent Management Council are other key aspects
to ensure social participation in the Program.
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