Pagamentos por serviços ambientais, custos de oportunidade e a transição para usos da terra alternativos:
o caso de agricultores familiares do Nordeste Paraense
Payments for environmental services, Economic instruments, Opportunity costs, Proambiente, Family farming, Brazilian AmazonAbstract
In this article, we evaluate the role that the payment for environmental services proposed by
public policy Proambiente (2003-2007) might have had on the replacement of traditional land
use (slash-and-burn cultivation) and the adoption of alternative land uses, able to provide higher
levels of environmental services, among family farmers in the Northeast of Pará, Brazilian Amazon.
For this, we simulated scenarios with estimates of opportunity costs for traditional and alternative
land uses (fire-free fallow management, agroforestry, açai management, fallow vegetation
enrichment and beekeeping). The results indicated that payment of Proambiente would have
been insufficient to encourage the abandonment of traditional land use and could have been
more promising to provide conditions for family farmers to carry out the transition to land uses
capable of providing higher levels of income in the long term, such as agroforestry and açai
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