Concepções de Estado e Sociedade Civil institucionalizadas em políticas públicas de educação ambiental:
um estudo de caso a partir de chamada pública do Ministério do Meio Ambiente
Educação ambiental, Materialismo histórico-dialético, Estado, Sociedade civil, Políticas públicasAbstract
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the positioning of the social agents involved. In this paper, we present the hegemonic
conceptions of state and civil society in the field, with reference to critical discourse
analysis of a concrete empirical case: the public calling of the Ministry of
Environment for Educators Collectives, in 2006; questioning them from a
theoretical and methodological framework inserted in the Marxist tradition. Thus,
after detailed analysis of the document, it is clear that such hegemonic conceptions
fall within the theoretical framework and discourse of the so called “Third Way”
and the model of State Management, these proposals do not directly contribute to
the advancement of the social struggles of emancipatory nature, as recommended
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