Legitimacy, Power, and Authority A Weberian Perspective





Legitimacy, Weberian Theory, Value-Oriented Action, Social Order, Law and Morality


This study aims to comprehensively analyze the Weberian concept of legitimacy, focusing on its implications for the empirical strength and stability of a social order. It begins by examining the incentives that ensure the legitimacy of an order, with particular emphasis on the relationship between law and morality. Furthermore, it explores the various theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches to legitimacy found in the literature, highlighting their relevance to the development of a more robust framework for understanding this complex phenomenon. Drawing from diverse sources and scholarly debates, the study investigates the role of value-oriented action (wertrationales Handeln) in shaping the nature and effectiveness of legitimate social orders. It also delves into the factors that contribute to the internal reasons for subjects to believe in a legitimate order. By synthesizing insights from various disciplines and intellectual traditions, this study aims to contribute to a more nuanced and holistic understanding of legitimacy. It also seeks to provide a solid foundation for future research and policy-making, emphasizing the importance of considering both empirical and normative aspects of legitimacy when examining the factors that contribute to the stability and resilience of social orders.

Author Biography

  • Nikolaos Nikolakakis, The British University in Egypt

    Assistant Professor, Department of Political science, The British University in Egypt, Cairo, EG.


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How to Cite

Legitimacy, Power, and Authority A Weberian Perspective. (2024). Sociedade E Estado, 39(01), e49343. https://doi.org/10.1590/s0102-6992-20243901e49343

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