Avanços e desafios da Nova Sociologia Econômica: notas sobre os estudos sociológicos do mercado


  • Fernanda Wanderley Universidade Pública San Andres


Economic Sociology, network of economic relations, sociological studies of the market, cooperation and competition, social capital, organizational capital.


The essay analyzes the first phase of the New Economic
Sociology through the revision of four approaches that framed the
studies of market transactions. The argument is that these studies have
departed from the Neoclassical Theory and founded their new identity
in opposition to the Methodological Individualism. Now the challenge
is to advance the sociological analysis of the economic relationships
beyond the statement that the economic sphere is socially constructed,
that social institutions and social structure are important to economic
actions and that rationality is just one type of behavior among others.
Finally, it discusses some questions that are part of the agenda of the
New Economic Sociology and the main concepts of the Network

Author Biography

  • Fernanda Wanderley, Universidade Pública San Andres

    Pesquisadora do Instituto de Pós-graduação da Universidade Pública San Andres CIDESUMSA)
    na cidade de La Paz – Bolivia e candidata ao doutorado pela Universidade de
    Columbia, na cidade de Nova York.


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How to Cite

Avanços e desafios da Nova Sociologia Econômica: notas sobre os estudos sociológicos do mercado. (2022). Sociedade E Estado, 17(01), 15-38. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/sociedade/article/view/44643

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