De la homogeneidad a la diversidad: las actuates transformaciones del campo religioso en la sociedad argentina


  • Fortunato Mallimaci Universidade de Buenos Aires


câmbio religioso, monopólio religioso, diversidade religiosa.


Based on many researches amongst urban population, this article shows the main changes that have taken place in the Argentinian religiousfield. These changes are related to the loss of certainties, to the fall of the wellfare state and to the weakning of historic institutions in charge of the warranty of meaning. After a long time of catholic monopoly, in the contemporary world, arises a heterogeneous, active and plural religious field, caracterized by diversity, emphasizing emotional experiences and the individual shaping of the self based on various religious traditions.

Author Biography

  • Fortunato Mallimaci, Universidade de Buenos Aires

    Professor da Universidade de Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

De la homogeneidad a la diversidad: las actuates transformaciones del campo religioso en la sociedad argentina. (2022). Sociedade E Estado, 14(01), 127-144.

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