Princípios de justiça e legitimação do Estado contemporâneo


  • Isabel de Assis Ribeiro de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)




The efficiency aimed for in the contemporary State can only be achieved if it is referred to a pattern which determines its essential attributes. This article presents the controversies around these attributes by confronting the arguments which seek to identify in the Welfare State the pertinent references for a just society. The author intends to clarify the “language of rights ” by confronting, on one hand, a principle of justice which is based on liberal individualism and, on the other, a principle of justice which steems from the French sociological tradition, which allows the formulation of the idea of rights inherent to society itself. The author’s point: it will not be possible to formulate, in a coherent way, the attributions of the modern State unless we can count on a theory which does not oscilate, in a more or less random manner, between the two traditions above mentioned.

Author Biography

  • Isabel de Assis Ribeiro de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

    Professora adjunta do IFCS/UFRJ


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How to Cite

Princípios de justiça e legitimação do Estado contemporâneo. (2022). Sociedade E Estado, 12(01), 103-117.