Relaciones laborales, desarrollo y democracia en el siglo XXI


  • Francisco Zapata Colégio de México




Within the context of the transformation of capitalist society in the last third of the 20th century — a decline in the relative importance of manufacturing both in terms of GDP and employment, changes in the conception of work as mental rather than manual and in the types of interaction between capital and labour — labour relations systems in the 21st century will be very different from those prevailing today.

Author Biography

  • Francisco Zapata, Colégio de México

    Professor-pesquisador do Colégio de México


Chandler, Alfred (1971) The visible hand. Harvard University Press.

Drucker, Peter (1993) Post-capitalist society. Harper Business.

Weffort, Francisco (1995) “Nuevas democracias: ^qué democracias?”, Sociedad (Faculdad de Ciências Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires).

F. Zapata, T. Hoshino, L. Hanono (1990) Industrial Restructuring in Mexico: the case ofaut parts, Tóquio: Institute of Developing Economies.



How to Cite

Relaciones laborales, desarrollo y democracia en el siglo XXI. (2022). Sociedade E Estado, 11(02), 233-249.