The State in Progression


  • Pierre Rosanvallon Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales




This article analyses the State from a "de-globalized" and complex
perspective as an attempt to leave behind the interventationism versus
liberalism debates. To that sense, the author distinguishes four figurations in
the relationship between State and Society: the “Regal State" (the
Leaviatham), the IVelfare State, the State as Providence, and the State as the
Regulator of the Economy, locating these figurations in the history of
France. He points out the French specificity, in the sense that France was
the country where the State preceded and created the Nation. He concludes
by saying that this decade will assist the change of the State as the Economy
Manager to a classical, political State.

Author Biography

  • Pierre Rosanvallon, Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales

    Professor ( direteur d’Etudes) Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (escola de Altos
    Estudos em Ciências Sociais) em Paris, França.

