Euclides theorem of modernization and the construction of man and political space in Brazil.


  • Lúcio de Brito Castelo Branco Universidade de Brasília (UnB)




The text seeks to understand the role of Euclides da Cunha as a
pioneering thinker about the contradictions of “brasilidade” specially
regarding the opposite binominal authonomv — authenticity versus cosmopolitanism-
progress. On the other hand it’s to understand that the
same over mencioned contradictions are already active in Euclides’
work itself because the epistemological relation between the theoretical
premise — tributary to the social-darwinism of lat century — and the
singularity of the reality to be graped.

Author Biography

  • Lúcio de Brito Castelo Branco, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

    Professor no Departamento de Sociologia da Uni verdade de Brasília.



How to Cite

Euclides theorem of modernization and the construction of man and political space in Brazil. (2022). Sociedade E Estado, 6(01), 151-164.