The revolution as a theoretical problem


  • Ludolfo Paramio Universidade Complutense




Throughout the project to establish a strutuctural theory of revolution,
the historical role performed by the peasantry results to be crucial.
This is mainly the case of the process through which emerges the
Absolutist State. The relationships between Capitalism and Absolutism
have pointed out to the centrality performed by extractive mechanism
controlled by the nobility. In fact, power is the actual use os strategic
Therefore, capitalism tends to emerge where those resources are
insufficient to imped the creation of the private property, as well as the
industrial production. All of the rest, such elements as productive
crops, social classes alliances, may be taken as structural causes of the
revolutions. To the founding elements the Author comes to add recent discoveries in the fields of political science and sociology, which have dedicated systematic efforts towards the understanding of structural
causes of revolution. In this direction issues and theories such as “relative
deprivation” and the “theory of aggression” are creatively incorporated
by the present article.


Author Biography

  • Ludolfo Paramio, Universidade Complutense

    Professor na Universidade Complutense, Madrid

