Digital platform workers: globalisation, super-exploitation and class struggle
super-exploitation, platformization, platform capitalism, platform workers, Marxian theory of valueAbstract
Based on Marx's theory of value and the sociological contributions of Ruy Mauro Marini, the article analyzes the working conditions of Uber workers and other application companies, as well as the forms of resistance that are being used by them, nationally and internationally. At first, it addresses the theoretical implications of the exploration carried out by digital platforms. Then, based on data from research carried out with workers and data of a secondary nature, it analyzes: i. the conditions under which they came to have greater adhering, visibility and dissemination to other sectors; ii. the global market strategies and the global strategies for changing labor regulations; iii. the ways of control and resistance that have been adopted by workers. Given the autonomous characteristic of its manifestations in the face of the means of convocation, and the directions of traditional trade union bodies as well, and given the immediate claims of an internationalist nature, the article concludes a possible agenda of comparison with the manifestations and anti-globalization mass movements that have been in vogue.
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