Flowing in dwelling and dwelling in flowing: tracking the creative experience of an abstract painter resident of Pisão





Temporalidade, Situação, Criação Artística, Sociologia Pragmatista, Pisão


Contemplating the abstract painting process of a resident in a social care institution, we propose a reading based on an ongoing ethnographic research with a pragmatic-phenomenological approach that emphasizes the centrality of the temporalization effects in the coordination of the situated action. The creative experience inherent in the course of the action of painting requires that the actors involved in it synchronize and orient themselves, so we propose to identify and describe the plurality of temporalities that guide the painting process, as well as the mesh of bodily, gestural, objectual and discursive operations that overlap them.

Author Biographies

  • José Manuel Resende, Universidade de Évora, Professor Catedrático de Sociologia

    José Manuel Resende é professor catedrático de sociologia da Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal.

  • José Maria Carvalho, Universidade de Évora, Doutorando em Sociologia

    José Maria Carvalho é doutorando em sociologia na Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal. 


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How to Cite

Flowing in dwelling and dwelling in flowing: tracking the creative experience of an abstract painter resident of Pisão. (2021). Sociedade E Estado, 36(02), 487-512. https://doi.org/10.1590/s0102-6992-202136020006

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