Hannah Arendt and Walter Benjamin: Eros of friendship and elective affinities in dark times





Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin, exile, Eros of Friendship, Elective Affinities


When we talk about the relationship between Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) and Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) the friendship is always remembered. The philosopher Hans Jonas - Arendt's friend since they were classmates at the University in Marburg and Heidegger’s students ”“ in the tributes paid on the occasion of her death, highlighted her vocation for friendship. According to him, what moved her was the Eros of friendship (Eros der Freundschaft).  Among her closest friends, there was Walter Benjamin, with whom she was familiar during the exile in Paris, in the years from 1936 to 1940. What I would like to show is that friendship as conceived and grown in practice by the two thinkers would be in the center of their life as a moral trace. This paper aims  to broaden the relationship between Arendt and Benjamin in two areas: friendship, built in the situation of Jewish-German refugees philosophers in Paris, and the elective affinities to the concept of History and to the vision of modernity. 

Author Biography

  • Maria Francisca Pinheiro Coelho, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

    Professora Titular do Departamento do Sociologia, Universidade de Brasília, DF, Brasil. Bolsista Capes/Professora Visitante no Exterior Sênior, na instituição Freie Universität Berlin, Alemanha, período 8/2018 a 7/2019/Processo 88881.171378/2018-01.


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How to Cite

Hannah Arendt and Walter Benjamin: Eros of friendship and elective affinities in dark times. (2020). Sociedade E Estado, 35(03), 817-836. https://doi.org/10.1590/s0102-6992-202035030007

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