Palabras clave:
O artigo descreve e discute os problemas surgidos com a necessidade de patrocínio para artes que não são auto-sustentáveis no contexto dos Estados Unidos atualmente. A autora conclui que, embora a transformação do patrocínio estatal, virtualmente completo ainda não tenha ocorrido em países que estão tentando adotá-lo, a tendência à privatização estabelece os parâmetros para mudanças de forma e substância das artes e de seu público.
Baumol, William J. and Bowen, William G. Performing Arts: The Economic Dilemma. MIT Press, Cambrigde, 1968.
Coleman, Laurence Vail. The Museums in America. American Association of Museum, Washington, D.C., 1939 (3 vols.).
Crane, Diana. The Transformation of the Avant-Garde: The New York Art World, 1940-1985. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1987.
de Coppet, Laura and Jones, Alan. The Art Dealers. Clarkson N. Potter, NY, 1984.
Horkheimer, Max e AdORNO, Theodor W. Aspects of Sociology by Frankfurt Institute for Social Research. Beacon Press, Boston, 1972.
DiMaggio, Paul J. "Cultural Entrceprcncurship in Nineteenth-Century Boston" in Media, Culture and Society 4 (1982:33-50)
------ . Nonprofit Enterprise in the Arts: Studies in Mission and Constraint (Yale Studies on Nonprofit Organizations). Oxford University Press, NY,
------. "Support for the Arts from Independent Foundations: in Nonprofit Enterprise in the Arts, Oxford University Press, NY, 1986.
Fabrikant, Geraldine. "Sotheby's Stake Under the Gavcl"in NYT. Oct. 7,
Guibaut, Serge. How New York Stole the Idea of Modern Art: Abstract Expressionism, Freedom, and the Cold War. Univ, of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1983.
Hart, Philip. Orpheus in lhe New World, The Symphony Orchestra as an American Cultural Institution. W.W. Norton, NY, 1973.
Lowry, W. McNeil(ed.) The Arts and Public Policy in the United States. Prentice-Hall, NY, 1984.
Lynes, Russell. Good Old Modern: An Intimate Portrait of the Museum of Modern Art. Atheneum, NY, 1973.
MARCHAND, Roland. Advertising the American Dream: Making Way for Modernity, 1920-1940. Univ, of California Press, Berkeley, CA., 1985.
Martorella, Rosanne. Corporate Art. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick-NJ, 1990.
Mills, C. Wright. The Power Elite. Oxford Univ. Press, NY, 1956.
MONTIAS, J. Michael. "Public Support for the Performing Arts in Europe and the United States" in Nonprofit Enterprise in the Arts, 1986.
Moulin, Ray monde. The French Art Market: a Sociological View (trans, by A. Goldhammer) Rutgers Univ. Press, N. Brunswick, 1987 (orig. 1967, F. Maspero).
MUKERJl, Chandra. From Graven Images: Patterns of Modern Materialism. Columbia University Press, NY, 1983.
National Endowment for the Arts. Research Division Note #19 (Jan. 7, 1987) on Retail Art Dealers.
Netzer, Dick. The Subsidized Muse: Public Support for the Arts in the United States. Cambridge Univ. Press, NY, 1978.
POGGI, Jack. Theater in America: The Impact of Economic Forces, 1870-1967. Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, NY, 1968.
Reif, Rita. "Sending Paintinge Abroad Helps Raise Profits at Home" in NYT. Nov. 5, 1987.
ROCKWELL, John. "A Peek at U.S. Orchestras' Finances" in NYT, Sept. 2, 1982. TOMKINS, Calvin. Merchants and Masterpieces. Dutton, NY, 1970.
WHITE, Harrison C. and Cynthia, A. Canvases and Careers: Institutional Change in the French Painting World. John Wiley and Sons, NY, 1965.
Whitehill, Walter Muir. Museum of Fine Arts Boston: A Ccntennnial History. Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1970.
Zolberg, Vera L. The Art Institute of Chicago: The Sociology of a Cultural Organization. Ph D. diss. Univ, of Chicago, 1974.
-------. "Displayed Art and Performed Music: Selective Innovation and the Structure of Artistic Media" in Sociological Quarterly 21 (Spring 1980)
-------. Constructing a Sociology of the Arts. Cambridge University Press, NY, 1990.
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