
  • Lucas Nobumichi Yshii ITA
  • Rafael Christovão Santana ITA
  • Francisco Alex Correia Monteiro ITA
  • Eliseu Lucena Neto ITA




Ritz method. Anisotropic plates. Buckling analysis.


The Ritz method is used in the buckling analysis of anisotropic plates under several combinations of in-plane loads and boundary conditions. Ritz bases are generated from modified Legendre polynomials, and the plate rigidities are carefully chosen to provide thermodynamically admissible materials. The accuracy of the proposed approach is assessed by means of several examples solved by Â…nite element models.


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Como Citar

BUCKLING OF ANISOTROPIC PLATES BY THE RITZ METHOD. (2017). Revista Interdisciplinar De Pesquisa Em Engenharia, 2(22), 166-174. https://doi.org/10.26512/ripe.v2i22.20873