
  • Marina V. Craveiro USP
  • Alfredo Gay Neto USP




Buckling. Effective axial force. Internal pressure. Nonlinear analysis. Pipeline.


The pipelines used to transport oil and gas tend to expand due to high temperature and pressure conditions. If this expansion is inhibited, a compressive axial force arises. The pipeline can relieve the stresses by lateral or upheaval buckling. The objective of the present work is to analyze the instability of pipelines due to internal pressure, experiencing different boundary conditions and imperfection magnitudes. It aims at discussing the equivalence between approaches that involve the application of the load as the internal pressure and as an equivalent compression with follower and non-follower characteristics, besides discussing the influence of using static or dynamic analysis for such approaches. The methodology involves the development of geometrically-simple Timoshenko beam structural models. To perform the simulations, Giraffe finite element software is used for nonlinear analysis. The study presents comparisons between critical forces and post-buckling configurations for the different boundary conditions, imperfections, load types and analysis methods considered,  as well as comparisons between numerical and analytical solutions. Through the study, it is concluded that the equivalence in results between the distinct approaches depends on the nature of boundary conditions.


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BUCKLING OF PIPELINES DUE TO INTERNAL PRESSURE. (2017). Revista Interdisciplinar De Pesquisa Em Engenharia, 2(22), 53-72. https://doi.org/10.26512/ripe.v2i22.20867