Análise da Condução de Calor em Paredes de Vedação
Heat Transfer, Energy Efficiency, Civil Construction, ExperimentsAbstract
Due to the growing concern about the environment, with the energy crisis generated by the excessive consumption of air conditioning systems and seeking to increase the satisfaction of human beings with the comfort of the built environment, it is fundamental so that the designers can conceive their works following the parameters of the building energy efficiency. In this context, the main goal of this work is to evaluate 4 wall configurations commonly used in civil construction, from the point of view of heat transfer, as well as to verify the improvement of the thermal performance of the walls by adding some passive strategy of thermal comfort, represented in this work by the use of brise-soleil. From the experiments, it was possible to calculate the values of heat flux and average heat flux, as well as to estimate the amount of heat that went through the walls during the time interval of the experiment. From the results, it is possible to observe the influence of the thermal resistance and the phenomenon of thermal inertia on the behavior of the walls, besides a considerable improvement in the performance of the walls when using brise-soleil.
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