Análise de patologias em ponte de madeira do município de Aquidauana/MS
Wooden bridges, Pathology, Case studyAbstract
Wood has a great importance in cultural history, where its relevance in the development of society by overcoming obstacles stands out. The presence of rivers and streams has a significant impact on transportation efficiency, specifically in the municipality of Aquidauana/MS, where there are many wooden bridges that have biotic, abiotic and natural pathologies, with various causes such as lack of preventive maintenance, excessive humidity, among others. Mapping makes it possible to identify pathological manifestations, emphasizing the importance of conserving public heritage as well as ensuring the safety and comfort of the community. To this end, it is necessary to discuss aspects of treatment, resistance and durability, exploring the type of pathological manifestation. Thus, the research investigated the importance of wooden bridges and their respective pathological manifestations, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and therapy through a case study in Aquidauana/MS, located in the countryside and giving access to farms and the army training camp.
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