Propriedades críticas fora do equilíbrio e transição de fase em uma reação catalítica com efeito de volume excluído


  • Suzielli Mendonça Universidade de São Paulo - USP
  • Enzo Filippo Centenaro da Silva
  • Everaldo Arashiro


simulação computacional, expoentes críticos dinâmicos, modelo catalítico, probabilidade crítica


We simulated a catalytic reaction model in a one-dimensional lattice, where big and small particles could be adsorbed in, obeying their own probabilities. The dynamic consisted of the adsorption of particles in the lattice, the reaction between them and the spontaneous desorption of the big-small particle pair. Then, the critical probability in which the phase transition took place from its absorbent to active state was obtained, as well as the dynamic critical exponents that characterized this transition. The values obtained with the simulations compared well with those known for the directed percolation universality class.


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How to Cite

Propriedades críticas fora do equilíbrio e transição de fase em uma reação catalítica com efeito de volume excluído. (2023). Revista Interdisciplinar De Pesquisa Em Engenharia, 8(2), 8-17.