Life estimates for fatigue crack growth with constant amplitude loading using numerical integration



Crescimento de trinca. Vida fadiga. Mecânica da fratura. Integração numérica., Crack growth. Fatigue life. Fracture mechanics. Numerical integration.


It is known that fracture mechanics has become very important in the design of projects and the development of the maintenance plan for a particular component. Better predictions of failure directly influence the economic cost of the project beneficially, when it is possible to guarantee a safe life in components with the presence of a crack. In this way, several studies have contributed to improving the prediction of the failure of a certain part. The objective of this work is to define the mechanical properties of 7075 T6 aluminum as fracture toughness and Paris law C and m coefficients for crack growth, in addition to comparing the fatigue crack growth test experimentally with the numerical integration method for a load of constant amplitude with a load ratio (R) equal to 0.1. The results presented were satisfactory, enabling the obtaining of reliable values of the Paris constants, as well as the verification of the crack propagation rate when compared to the literature data. Finally, with the analysis of the results, it can be inferred that the use of the coefficients obtained experimentally provides more conservative and precise values of the life estimate than those available in the literature for the evaluated material. This, therefore, further emphasizes the importance of experimental tests in fracture mechanics.


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How to Cite

Life estimates for fatigue crack growth with constant amplitude loading using numerical integration. (2020). Revista Interdisciplinar De Pesquisa Em Engenharia, 6(1), 71-80.