Metalurgia do pó, Alumínio, Cobre e LigasAbstract
Powder metallurgy is an important manufacturing process in obtaining various pieces of geometry, making it feasible general industrial large-scale production in some cases with subsequent surface treatment. The objective of this work is demonstrate is to demonstrate the influence of compaction pressure parameters and grinding time in getting the league Al4Cu by powder metallurgy process. Therefore, we evaluated the densification, and microstructure microhardness obtained in the alloy two metallic powders of samples were prepared which were mixed / milled for two hours and for four hours at low rpm , 250 rpm , after unilaterally compacted with cold compacting pressure of 1.5 tf / cm2 to 1.1 tf / cm2 respectively and sintered 610ºC. In each step of the process densities were measured to evaluate the percentage of densification of each sample. The microstructure was observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) allowing display of the quantity and pore size, and the shape and size of the grains, as well as Vickers hardness. The results showed that the final density achieved in the sintered samples was low in both compared to the theoretical density of the alloy, but is clearly noted that the compaction pressure influenced in this respect. Another fact that was evident is that the grinding time directly affects the quality of sinter, as homogeneity of the elements in the alloy, porosity and hardness.
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