Coupling finite element. Non-matching meshes. Contact problem. Loss of adherence. Overlap of meshes.Abstract
This paper presents the simulation of contact problems using a novel technique for coupling non-matching finite elements meshes based on the use of special finite elements recently developed, termed coupling finite elements (CFEs). This technique is able to establish the interaction between two non-matching meshes, representing two different subdomains of a problem, which share a common boundary. In additional, this technique has demonstrated to be highly versatile, since no additional degree of freedom is introduced to the problem and a non-rigid coupling scheme can be considered to describe the nonlinear behavior among the subdomains. In this paper the technique is applied to simulate the interaction between some parts of components meshed independently, demonstrating its capability to represent basic contact problems, such as loss of adherence. The results demonstrated that the strategy applied is able to represent the interaction between the parts of mechanical components, coherently and accurately.
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