
  • Daniel Baldasso Robbi
  • Alberto Carlos Guimarães Castro Diniz Universidade de Brasília Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica
  • Tiago Camargo Alves Universidade de Brasília Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica
  • Francisco Luiz Perdigão Neto Universidade de Brasília Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica




Propagation of uncertainty. ISO-GUM. Model validation. Metrology.


Within a context of verification and validation of computational models taking into account measurement uncertainties, this paper shows, in a objective way, the use of the ISO-GUM methodology for uncertainty calculation in a problem of mechanical vibration. Starting from a simple experimental setup, a mathematical model of the experiment was developed using lumped parameters and the experimental values of model parameters, with their respective measurement uncertainties. Using the developed model and carrying out the experimental tests, are shown the use of the ISO-GUM method to propagate the uncertainties in determining the natural frequency of the vibrating system. The work demonstrates the application of ISO-GUM methodology in analytical and experimental approaches. The study included the use of the response sensitivity analysis of the structure to refine the mathematical model and to determine the relevant parameters to the dynamics of the structure. It is shown that the correct quantification of uncertainties is essential in the comparison of analytical/numerical results and experimental results, increasing confidence in the significance thereof. The paper presents the results obtained, together with a description of the experimental apparatus used. The organization of the paper improves the understanding of ISO-GUM methodology and its application in practical validation of computational models, increasingly needed in the industry, to ensure the quality of simulations.

Author Biography

  • Daniel Baldasso Robbi

    Universidade de Brasília
    Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica


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How to Cite

QUANTIFICAÇÃO DE INCERTEZAS EM EXPERIMENTO SIMPLES DE VIBRAÇÕES. (2015). Revista Interdisciplinar De Pesquisa Em Engenharia, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.26512/ripe.v1i1.20723