Although strong seismic events are rare in Brazil, Brazilian structural engineers are frequently involved in such analysis for neighboring Latin American countries. Here, we present a study on the linear seismic response of a shear building mathematical model of a tall building. Step-by-step numerical time integration via Finite Differences is implemented to solve the ordinary differential equations of motion. Seismic base excitation, of random nature,
is not, in general, available. Usual National Building Codes for seismic resistant
constructions don’t provide design base accelerograms to compute the inertia forces at each pavement of the building. The standard information is the so called elastic design spectrum, that provides the maximum response acceleration for a one degree of freedom linear damped system for each country. Much research is being developed in order to generate artificial
base motion accelerograms compatible with these Code spectra. We presented a proposal for generating artificial base motion accelerograms compatible with the Brazilian National Code for Seismic Resistant Building. A base motion accelerogram generate according to our proposal was applied to a 10-store shear building model.
Keywords: structural dynamics, seismic analysis, Brazilian seismic resistant building code.
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