Metodologia de Cálculo do Fator de Forma para Geometrias Tridimensionais Considerando os Efeitos de Obstrução


  • Fabio Alfaia Cunha Universidade de Brasília
  • Pedro Paulo Dunice Van Els Universidade de Brasília
  • Daniel Back da Trindade Universidade de Brasília



View factor. obstruction. heat transfer. radiation. numerical simulation.


In many engineering applications it is necessary to specify the heat transfer by radiation between different surfaces. The parameter used to measure the radiation energy fraction received by a body is called view factor. The calculations to determine the view factor are tricky whenever complex geometries are accessed, eventually it is not feasible to determine such parameter in an analytic way. Therefore, it is necessary to use a numeric approach. Due to the above, the present work presents a numerical methodology that uses tetrahedral meshes for the calculation of the view factor for threedimensional geometries, which considering obstruction effects. The acquired results with such methodology have proven itself to be suitable, because they tend to the analytical results in the literature.



How to Cite

Metodologia de Cálculo do Fator de Forma para Geometrias Tridimensionais Considerando os Efeitos de Obstrução. (2018). Revista Interdisciplinar De Pesquisa Em Engenharia, 3(2).