Physical Activity and Self-Care with Diabetes Mellitus
A Study Carried out In a Brazilian Municipality
Diabetes Mellitus, Exercise, Self Care, EpidemiologyAbstract
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease whose cause is multifactorial and has a complex mechanism of action. This research aims to investigate adherence to diabetes self-care and the practice of physical activities, in diabetic people from a Family Health Strategy Unit in the city of Criciúma–SC. Cross-sectional, descriptive and census study with data collection in the field, using socio demographic questionnaires, the Diabetes Self-Care Activities
Questionnaire, and the Baecke Questionnaire of Habitual Physical Activity questionnaire, with a health unit in a neighborhood in the south of Santa Catarina. The main results indicated lower-than-expected adherence to self-care for type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in most cases, the item that showed the greatest adherence was the one that assesses medication care, where 94% of respondents reported having this care for five days or more in the week. It is observed that in general, individuals do not adhere to self-care with Diabetes Mellitus, with many reasons resulting in low adherence. The role of family support as well as health professionals stands out as an important factor in influencing the improvement of care.
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