Primary Health Care as a post-pandemic economic development strategy in Ceilândia-DF
Primary Health Care, Health Expenditures, Catastrophic Expenditure, Cost-Benefit Analysis, COVID-19Abstract
This theoretical essay sought to reflect on how emergency and strategic actions of the Brazilian health system to face the novel coronavirus can underpin the post-pandemic economic reconstruction. The Administrative Region of Ceilândia, in the Federal District (Distrito Federal- DF), Brazil, was taken as the basis for this exercise: the most populous region of the DF, with medium / low income, with a service-based economy, which was greatly economically affected due tothe social isolation measures and presented a high number of COVID-19 cases and deaths. Ceilândia has been receiving important investments in new hospital beds and more professionals for the tertiary level, although Primary Health Care is known to be more cost-effective for the organization of health systems and capable of saving precious resources of families with health expenses in the private sector, above all in a scenario of a large retraction in the wage bill. It is concluded that investments in the qualification of the primary care network already installed and its expansion are potent strategies for the economic development of Ceilândia in the post-pandemic period.
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