Problems and priorities for hospital attention in SUS Bahia
analysis of state health plans
SUS, ; Health Planning, Hospital Planning, Public Hospital, Tertiary Health Care.Abstract
The objective of this study is to analyze the priorities for hospital care in SUS Bahia, during the period of health planning from 2008 to 2019. This is a qualitative study, based on the State Health Plans prepared for the period of 2008 to 2019, which underwent discourse analysis. Its results point to the heterogeneous distribution of the supply of medium and high complexity services among the macro-regions of the state of Bahia with a greater concentration in large urban centers and the concern of managers with the assistance voids existing in other areas that impact the health situation. of the Bahian population. It is concluded that the implementation of 28 polyclinics covering each health region, the greater contracting of small and philanthropic hospitals and the establishment of alternative models of hospital management were strategic measures to overcome difficulties.
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