Study of the complementary tests requested by the Primary Health Care in a large municipality
Health Systems, Primary Health Care, Medical Examination, Health Management, Medical EducationAbstract
The unqualified request for complementary examinations in medical consultations has become incompatible with the availability of the Unified Health System (SUS), generating long-term scheduling, requiring intervention strategies. In this direction, the "Corujão da Saúde" Program, in 2017, of the São Paulo Municipal Health Secretariat (SMS-SP), aims to clear waiting queues for certain exams requested in the basic care network. This work characterized the pertinence of these requests included in this Program. It was a cross-sectional and quantitative study, from a sample of 2790 exams, from the Basic Health Units, Regional Health Coordination Center / SMS-SP. The variables selected were: type of exam, date of birth of the user, date of order, diagnostic hypothesis. We used Excel-Microsoft 2010 for data storage and reporting. Of the exams, 73% had a waiting period of 6 to 12 months. Most are users between the ages of 18 and 50. Ultrasonography represented 88% of the total, and bilateral breast ultrasonography predominated. It is evidenced the inadequate use of the examination in the medical consultations of the primary care, which reinforces the importance of, implantation of clinical protocols, contributing in the prevention of iatrogenias and an efficient rationality of the health system.
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