Artigos de PesquisaAbstract
This article aims to identify the
potential that listening has qualified for
the realization of the principle of
integration in the work processes of
Primary. It also aims to identify their
contribution to the humanization of care
through the development of dialogue in
the professional relationship and user,
unraveling the health needs of the
enrolled population. The article also
presents a discussion of the advantages of
the implementation of qualified hearing in
basic health units, highlighting what
difficulties that managers and
professionals are for the implementation
and operation of this tool. It then tackles
the recommendations and possible
interventions to systematise the operation
of this tool in the daily work of the teams
of the Family Health Strategy. It needs to
increase the degree of co-responsibility of
different actors that make up the public
health system in the production of health,
cause changes in the culture of attention
from users and the management of work
processes, seize existing tools and
debated that provide reorientation of the
implementation of care model of primary
Key Words: Primary; Qualified
listening; host; Comprehensive health
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