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Author Guidelines


Texts must be prepared by up to 04 authors and must be typed using:

  • Microsoft Word;
  • A4 paper size;
  • 5cm spacing between lines throughout the text;
  • Times New Roman font, size 12;
  • Lower and lateral margins of 2cm and a superior margin of 3cm.
  • The text must contain between 12 and 15 pages, including the References.


Identification page:   The document for evaluation should contain only the title of the paper (maximum of 16 words) in Portuguese, English and Spanish, without abbreviations and acronyms. The sequence of the presentation must be initiated by the language in which the article is written. If it is based on a research report, thesis or dissertation, you must indicate the title, year and institution where it was presented.

Attention:   It should be sent in a supplementary document, in a justified, bold, concise, informative alignment: full name(s) of the author(s), indicating at the bottom of the page the their respective academic majors, degree, the position held, the institution to which they are filiated, titles, professional experience, exchange address of correspondence, including email and a phone number. We request that the ORCID of all authors to be included when submitting the paper in the journal's website. (Documentos suplemetares:

Summary:   It should be presented on the first page of the paper,   with   at least 150 and a maximum of 200 words , in the Portuguese (resumo), English (abstract) and Spanish (resumen) versions, in the same sequence as the title.

Attention:   We will not accept summaries with purpose, method, results and conclusion.

Keywords:   The authors must point 3 to 5 descriptors at the end of each abstract in Portuguese (Descritores), Spanish (Descriptores) and English (Keywords), according to the "Descritores em Ciências da Saúde" of the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde ( that allows to identify the subject of the work.

Introduction:   Presentation and delimitation of the subject treated, the research objectives and other elements necessary to locate the theme of the paper.

Goals:   It clearly and succinctly specifies the purpose of the research, with details of the aspects that will be addressed or not. The objectives, if pertinent, can be defined as general or specific at the discretion of the author.

Literature review:   Selected researchs on the subject that served as the basis for the investigation of the proposed paper. It provides the background for understanding current knowledge about a subject and clarifies the importance of the new study. In some areas, there is already a tendency to limit the review to only the most important works, which are directly related to the research developed, prioritizing the most recent publications. When there is no need for a chapter for the Literature Review because of the historical scope of the subject, it may be included in the Introduction. In this case theoretical essay and review articles.

Methods:   Complete description of the methodological procedures that allow the achievement of objectives. This section needs to contain: Data on the place that was conducted the research; population studied; sample type; selected variables; material, equipment, techniques and methods adopted for the data collection, including those of a statistical nature.

Results:   They must be presented in a clear and objective way, without any interpretations or personal comments, and for greater comprehension, be accompanied by graphs, tables, figures, photographs, etc.

Discussion:   It should be restricted to the data obtained and the results achieved, emphasizing the new and important aspects observed and it should discuss the concordances and divergences with other already published research.

Conclusion:   Corresponds to objectives or hypotheses in a logical, clear and concise manner, based on results and its discussion, consistent with the title, proposition and methods.

Quotes:   For quotes "ipsis literis " references must use quotation marks following the text. The citations of speeches / testimonies of the subjects of the research should be presented in letter size 12, in italics and following the text.

Footnotes:   They should be indicated by an asterisk, starting with each page and restricted to the minimum necessary.

Tables:   The elaboration of the tables should follow the "Tabular Presentation Rules" established by the Conselho Nacional de Estatística and published by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística -  IBGE (1993), limited to a maximum of five. When the table is extracted from another work, the original source should be mentioned immediately below it.

Appendices and annexes:   They should be avoided, as indicated in the NBR 6022 standard.

Photos:   They will be published exclusively in black and white, without identification of the subjects, unless accompanied by written permission of disclosure for scientific purposes.

Thanks:   Contributions from people who have provided intellectual collaboration to the paper such as scientific advice, critical review of the research, data collection among others, but do not meet the requirements to participate in authorship, must appear in the "Acknowledgments" at the end of the work, as long as there is express permission of the nominees. The institutions which provided support, technical assistance and other types of assistence could also be mentioned.

Errata:   After the paper is published, if the authors identify the need for an errata, they should send it to the editors of the Journal immediately and preferably through email.

References:   They are limited to 18, except for "theoretical essay", numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. They should be standardized according to Vancouver Style, standard developed by the International Committee of Medical Jounals Editors ( They should be identified in the text by superscript Arabic numerals and in parentheses, without spaces from the last word to the parentheses. When sequencing authors, separate them by a hyphen, the first and last ones being indicated, e.g.: (1-4 ); when interleaved, the numbers should be separated by commas, e.g.: (1-2,4). The list presented at the end of the paper should be numbered consecutively and the authors mentioned according to the sequence in which they were cited in the text, without needing the number in parentheses. E.g.: 1. Gomes A.

Note:   The veracity of the references is the responsibility of the authors. References not contemplated in the examples described will not be accepted.

Papers published in journals

  1. a)Standard Paper

Structure: Authors. Title of the article. Title of the journal. Year of publication; Volume: Pages.


Calil AM, Pimenta CAM. Conceitos de enfermeiros e médicos de um serviço de 
emergência sobre dor e analgesia no trauma. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2000;39(1):325-32.

Jocham HR, Dassen T, Widdershoven G, Halfens R. Quality of life in palliative care cancer patients: a literature review. J Clin Nurs. 2006;15(9):1188-95.

Paper with more than 6 authors

When listing papers with more than six (06) authors, use the expression et al after the sixth author.


Eller LS, Corless I, Bunch EH, Kemppainen J, Holzemer W, Nokes K, et al. 
Self-care strategies for depressive symptoms in people with HIV disease. J Adv 
Nurs . 2005; 51 (2): 119-30.

  1. b)   Institution as author

Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Hypertension, insulin, and proinsulin  
in participants with impaired glucose tolerance. Hypertension . 2002; 40 (5): 6 (7) 9-86.

  1. c)   No indication of authorship

Best practice for managing patients' postoperative pain. Nurs Times.  
2005; 101 (11): 34- (7).

  1. d)   Volume with supplement

Travassos C, Martins M. A review on the concepts of access and use of  
health services. Cad Public Health. 2004; 20 Suppl 2: 190-8.

  1. e)   Fascicle with supplement

Glauser TA. Integrating clinical data into clinical practice. Neurology. 2002; 58 (12)  
Suppl (7) ): S 6-12.

Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Resolução n. 196, de 10 de outubro de 1996. Dispõe sobre diretrizes e normas regulamentadoras de pesquisas envolvendo seres humanos. Bioética. 1996;4(2 Supl):15-25.

  1. f)   Part of a Volume

Milward AJ, Meldrum BS, Mellanby JH. Forebrain ischaemia with CA 1 cell loss  
impairs epileptogenesis in the tetanus toxin limbra seizure model. Brain .  
1999; 122 ( Pt 6): 1009-16.

  1. g)   Part of a Fascicle

Rilling WS, Drooz A. Multidisciplinary management of hepatocellular carcinoma. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2002; 13 (9 Pt 2): S259-63.

  1. h)   Fascicle without a volume

Ribeiro LS. Uma visão sobre o tratamento dos doentes no sistema público de saúde. Rev USP.1999;(43):55-9.

  1. i)   No volume and no fascicle

Outreach: bringing HIV-positive individuals into care. HRSA Careaction . 2002  
Jun: 1-6.

Books and monographs

  1. a)  Personal Author

Cassiani SHB. Administração de medicamentos. São Paulo: EPU; 2000.

  1. b)   Organizer, editor, coordinator as author

Cianciarullo TI, Gualda DMR, Melleiro MM, Anabuki MH, organizadoras. Sistema 
de assistência de enfermagem: evolução e tendências. 3ª ed. São Paulo: Ícone; 2005.

  1. c)  Institution as author and publisher

Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria Executiva. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. 
Coordenação Nacional DST/AIDS. A política do Ministério da Saúde para atenção 
integral a usuários de álcool e outras drogas. Brasília; 2003.


  1. d)   Chapter of a book, whose author is not the same as the work

Kimura M, Ferreira KASL. Avaliação da qualidade de vida em indivíduos com dor. 
In: Chaves LD, Leão ER, editoras. Dor: 5º sinal vital: reflexões e intervenções de 
enfermagem. Curitiba: Maio; 2004. p. 59-(7)3.

  1. e)   Chapter of a book, whose author is the same of the work

Moreira A, Oguisso T. Profissionalização da enfermagem brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: 
Guanabara Koogan; 2005. Gênese da profissionalização da enfermagem; p. 23-31.

  1. f)   Work presented in an event (Annals, Programs)

Peduzzi M. Laços, compromissos e contradições existentes nas relações de trabalho 
na enfermagem. In: Anais do 53º Congresso Brasileiro de Enfermagem; 2001 out. 9-
14; Curitiba. Curitiba: ABEn-Seção-PR; 2002. p. 16(7)-82.

  1. g)   Dissertations and Theses

Maia FOM. Fatores de risco para o óbito em idosos [dissertação]. São Paulo: Escola 
de Enfermagem, Universidade de São Paulo; 2005.

Freitas GF. Ocorrências éticas de enfermagem: uma abordagem compreensiva da 
ação social [tese]. São Paulo: Escola de Enfermagem, Universidade de São Paulo; 2005.

Barros S. Concretizando a transformação paradigmática em saúde mental: a práxis 
como horizonte para a formação de novos trabalhadores [tese livre-docência]. São 
Paulo: Escola de Enfermagem, Universidade de São Paulo; 2004.

  1. h)   Legal documents

Brasil. Lei n. (7).498, de 25 de junho de 1986. Dispõe sobre a regulamentação do 
exercício da enfermagem e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União, Brasília, 26 jun. 1986

Seção 1, p. 1.

São Paulo (Estado). Lei n. 10.241, de 1(7) de março de 1999. Dispõe sobre os direitos dos usuários dos serviços e das ações de saúde no Estado e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, 18 mar. 1999. Seção 1, p. 1.

Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria n. 399/GM, de 22 de fevereiro de 2006. Divulga o pacto pela saúde 2006 – consolidação do SUS e aprova as diretrizes operacionais do referido pacto. Diário Oficial da União, Brasília, 23 fev. 2006. Seção 1, p. 43-51.

  1. (i)   Dictionaries and similar reference works

Steadman’s medical dictionary. 26th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1995. 
Apraxia; p. 119-20.

Souza LCA, editor. Dicionário de administração de medicamentos na enfermagem 2005/2006: AME. 4ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: EPUB; 2004. Metadona; p. 556-(7).

Materials in electronic format

  1. a)   Monograph in electronic format

Prado FC, Ramos J, Ribeiro do Valle J. Atualização terapêutica: manual prático de 
diagnóstico e tratamento [CD-ROM]. São Paulo: Artes Médicas; 1996.

  1. b)   Paper in Journals

Johnson BV. Nurses with disabilities. Am J Nurs [serial on the Internet]. 2005 [cited 2006 sept 2 (7)]; 105 (10 ): [ about 1 p.]. Available from:

Braga EM, Silva MJP. Como acompanhar a progressão da competência comunicativa no aluno de enfermagem. Rev Esc Enferm USP [periódico na Internet]. 2006 [citado 2006 set. 28]; 40(3):[cerca de (7) p]. Disponível em:

  1. c)   Dissertations / theses

Baraldi S. Supervisão, flexibilização e desregulamentação no mercado de trabalho: antigos modos de controle, novas incertezas nos vínculos de trabalho da enfermagem [tese na Internet]. São Paulo: Escola de Enfermagem, Universidade de São Paulo; 2005 [citado 2006 set. 29]. Disponível em:


Accepted Paper Categories:

Editorial: publishers responsibility.

Research Papers.

Theorical-empirical papers: manuscripts that are characterized as the completion of several stages of scientific research. They must present: introduction, objective, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, references.

Theoretical essays: discussion of a specific theme with theoretical and scientific relevance with its   theoretical foundation  in books, magazines and published papers. The text must propose a line of argument to be adopted and defended by the author(s).

Original Papers: Manuscripts characterized as the completion of various stages of scientific research. Reports of original research of all types (drawings and methods) and in any field / field of knowledge (practice, field research, teaching, service delivery and management evaluation). Must present: introduction, objective. methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, references.

Review Papers: Observational, experimental or quasi-experimental studies, program evaluation, cost-effectiveness analysis, decision analysis and studies on performance evaluation of diagnostic tests for population screening. Each paper should contain clear objectives and hypotheses, design and methods used, results, discussion and conclusions.



Time for evaluation: 60 days.

Time for publication: 60 days.

Date of publication: Last day of the months - January, May and September.

Evaluation form used by the evaluators.



Accompanying letter;

Declaration of Responsibility;

Copyright Statement;

Identification Card of the Work;

Registration of all authors in the system, including identification Orcid, link to the curriculum in the platform lattes (Brazilian authors), indication of the last institutional affiliation; indication of maximum titration;

Text file in word format, without any identification of authorship, in the text or in the properties of the file; 

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Attached documents: Cover Letter; Declaration of Responsibility; Copyright Statement; Work Identification Form; Declaration of Participation in the Elaboration of the Manuscript.

Artigos Originais

Manuscritos que se caracterizam como a finalização de várias etapas da pesquisa científica. Relatórios de pesquisas originais de todos os tipos (desenhos e métodos) e em qualquer área/campo de conhecimento (prática, pesquisa de campo, ensino, prestação de serviços e de avaliação, de gestão). Devem apresentar: introdução, objetivo. metodologia, resultados, discussão, conclusão, referências.


Reports of original research of all types (i.e. all designs and methods) and in any field (i.e. practice, education, service delivery and evaluation, management)

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.