Both adaptation and ekphrasis are considered as transmedial tools by proposed models (Rajewsky, 2005; Elleström, 2010, 2014, 2021) for the study of (inter)medial transformation. The two processes share some common aspects concerning the transfer of medial properties, putting emphasis on the respective audiences’ recognition. The aim of this paper is to understand how the process of media transformation from novel to film takes meaningful ekphrastic excerpts and turns them into something narratively and materially different. In order to investigate the issue, the authors of the paper will illustrate the transfer of ekphrastic excerpts from novel to film in the movie Doktor Judym directed by Polish WÅ‚odzimierz Haupe (1975) and the film Reaching for the Moon (2013) directed by Brazilian Bruno Barreto, using the notions of adaptation by Hutcheon (2006), and ekphrasis by Clüver (2019), Bugno-Narecka (2017, 2019) and Vieira (2017, 2020).
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