“Bicha não morre, vira purpurina”: performances, memories and drag queen legacy in goiânia
Drag queen , Images , Legacy , Memory , Death , VisualityAbstract
The objective of this article is to reflect on drag performances and their styles based on their visual elements, defined by montages in their cultural context, in which they produce meanings and images about femininities. Drag queens also give new meaning to words in bajubá, acting on language in the LGBTQPNIA+ community. In the same way that drag queens are born, they also pass away. Be it a symbolic death, when performers stops performing their drags while alive, or civil death, when performers were considered deceased. In the face of the death of a drag queen, what are the legacies, styles and languages that are perpetuated in your audience? A research method, we used bibliographical research and interviews with drag queens who live in the city of Goiânia. The work addresses the professionalization of drag art and the memory of artists.
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