Looking for Antigone: some notes


  • Patrícia Dias Franca-Huchet Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais




Antigone. Photography. Character. Narrative. Montage.


The following text was written after a long artistic work with the character Antigone, from the play by Sophocles of the same name. This Antigone, involved images, texts, exhibitions and work presentations. Revisiting Antigone through photographs and texts was to question the tragic, its symbolism and simultaneously its strength as a figure of the real. Gradually, Antigone became a set of works, and the nature of the narrative allowed the causal relationship between the parties, favoring publication and installation.


BAUCHAU, Henry. Antigone. Arles: Actes Sud, 1997.

BAUCHAU, Henry. La Lumière d’Antigone. In: AMEL, Aliette (org.). Antigone Paris: Autrement, 1999.

BRECHT, Bertold. Antigone. Prólogo. Paris: L'Arche Éditeurs, 2014.

BUTLER, Judith. O clamor de Antígona: parentesco entre a vida e a morte. Florianópolis: Editora da UFSC, 2014.

DELBO, Charlotte. Kalavrita des mille Antigones. In: La Mémoire et les jours. Paris: Berg internacional, 2013.

FERRANTI, Marie. La passion de Marie Gentille. Pièce en cinq tableaux. Paris: Ed. NRF Gallimard, 2017.

HEGEL, G.W.F. Cours d’Esthétique. Paris: Aubier, 1997. Tomo III.

HÖLDERLIN. Antigone de Sophocle. (1804). Trad. Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe. Paris: Ed. Christian Bougois Editeur, 1998.

HÖLDERLIN, Friedrich. Fragments de poétique. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale Editions, 2006.

HÖLDERLIN, Friedrich. Œuvres. Paris: Gallimard, La Pléiade, 1967.

HOLZERMAYR-ROSENFIEL. Katrin. Le conflit tragique chez Sophocle et son interprétation chez Hölderlin et Hegel. Études Philosophiques, Paris, v. 2, n. 77, p. 141-161, 2006.

KRISTEVA, Julia. Meu Alfabeto. Ensaios de literatura, cultura e psicanálise. São Paulo: Edições SESC, 2017.

LACAN, Jacques. O seminário. Livro 7: A ética na psicanálise. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar,1986.

STEINER, George. Les Antigones. Paris: Gallimard, 1984.

YOURCENAR, Marguerite. Feux. Paris: Gallimard, 1974.

WOOLF, Virginia. Os anos. (1937). Rio de Janeiro: Ed: Nova Fronteira, 1982.





Imagens legíveis, textos visíveis

How to Cite

Looking for Antigone: some notes. (2020). Revista VIS: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Artes Visuais, 19(1), 231-253. https://doi.org/10.26512/vis.v19i1.32588