Art and aesthetic education of taste:
beauty as a cultural necessity?
Culture, Art, Taste, Beauty, Aesthetic education of taste.Abstract
This text presents some analyses resulting from the doctoral research finalized in 2016, which sought to identify, in the confluence of the educational and artistic fields and having the curricular documents of art as object of studies, as the aesthetic affirmation of taste is established in the context of formal and non-formal education. In the cutout presented here, we incursion the concept of beautiful/beauty, analyzing the process of aesthetic education of taste, understanding that the mastery of the reading codes of the image contributes to the approximation and appropriation of knowledge established in the artistic field. For this exercise, we resorting to the definition of beauty as a cultural phenomenon dependent on the social space in which it is inserted, having adopted, as a reference, the aesthetic pattern of beautiful and some reflections on the constitution of cultural erudition as an element significant in the elaboration of proposals for the education of individual taste legitimized by practices established by the art system.
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