Depression Levels Following Discharge Predict Quality of Life in Heart Disease Patients



Mots-clés :

Depression, Stress, Quality of life, Heart disease, Linear growth models


Depression and stress have been related with poor Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) prognosis. However, it is not clear when these depressive symptoms should be measured. A sample of 177 Coronary Heart Disease patients were followed for 15 months aimed to compare the effect of depression and stress measure at time of hospitalization and three months later on the physical HRQoL trajectory. Linear growth models’ results showed that depression and stress after discharge are negatively correlated with the physical HRQoL and depressive symptoms negatively affect the prognosis of these patients.


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Depression Levels Following Discharge Predict Quality of Life in Heart Disease Patients. (2020). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 35.