Avaliação do Processo de Aconselhamento Vocacional:
Revisão da Literatura
Mots-clés :
Aconselhamento vocacional, Processo de aconselhamento, AvaliaçãoRésumé
As questões acerca do processo de intervenção têm sido cada vez mais alvo de atenção e estudo na Psicologia. Este artigo apresenta uma revisão da literatura acerca da panorâmica atual do processo de aconselhamento vocacional. Deste modo, são abordados, uma descrição do processo de aconselhamento vocacional e das variáveis comuns ao aconselhamento psicológico pessoal e vocacional, seguindo-se uma breve caracterização das investigações sobre o processo da intervenção psicológica vocacional. Por último, apresenta-se um conjunto de sugestões para futuras pesquisas.
Armstrong, L. (2009). Multicultural career counseling: Toward a new paradigm for the career development of women and ethnic minorities. River Academic Journal, 5(1), 1-4.
Arthur, N., & McMahon, M. (2005). Multicultural career counseling: Theoretical applications of the systems theory framework. Career Development Quarterly, 53(3), 208- 222.
Bacorn, C. N., & Dixon, D. N. (1984). The effects of touch on depressed and vocationally undecided clients. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 31, 488-496.
Bedi, R. P. (2004). The therapeutic alliance and the career counseling/personal counseling interface. Journal of Employment Counseling, 41, 126-135.
Bergman, D. L. (1951). Counseling method and client responses. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 15, 216-224.
Blustein, D. L., & Spengler, P. M. (1995). Personal adjustment: Career counselling and psychotherapy. Em Walsh, W., & Osipow, S. (Eds.), Handbook of Vocational Psychology: Theory, Research, and practice (2th ed., pp, 295-328). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
Brown, S. D., & Krane, N. E. (2000). Four (or five) sessions and a cloud of dust: Old assumptions and new observations about career counseling. Em S. Brown & R. Lent (Eds.), Handbook of Counseling Psychology (3th ed., pp. 740-749). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Byars-Winston, A. M., & Foaud, N. A., (2006). Metacognition and multicultural competence: Expanding the culturally appropriate career counseling model. Career Development Quarterly. 54(3), 187-202.
Cook, E. P., Heppner, M. J., & O’Brien, K. M. (2004). An ecological model of career development. Em R. K. Conyne & E. P. Cook (Eds.), Ecological counseling: An innovative approach to conceptualizing person-environment interaction. American Counseling Association Press.
Cook, E. P., Heppner, M. J., & O’Brien, K. M., (2005). Multicultural and gender influences in women’s career development: An ecological perspective. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 33, 165-179
Faria, L. F. (2008). A eficácia da aconselhamento psicológica vocacional de jovens: Estudo do impacto de uma intervenção. Tese de Doutorado, Braga: Universidade do Minho.
Fouad, N., & Bingham, R. (1995). Career counseling with racial and minorities. Em W. B. Walsh & S. Osipow (Eds.), Handbook of vocational psychology: Theory, research and practice (pp. 331-365). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Friedman, H. J. (1963). Patient-expectancy and symptom reduction. Archives of Therapy, 21, 189-196.
Galassi, J., Crase, R.; Martin, G. James, R., & Wallace, R. (1992). Client preferences and anticipation in career counseling: A Preliminary Investigation. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 39, 46-55.
Gelso, C. J., & Carter, J. A. (1985). The relationship in counseling and psychotherapy: Components, consequences, and theoretical antecedents. Counselling Psychologist, 13, 155-243.
Gelso, C. J., & Cárter, J. A. (1994). Components of the psychotherapy relationship: Their interaction and unfolding during treatment. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 41, 296-306.
Gibson, R. C., & Mitchell, M. H. (1998). Introduction to counseling and guidance. (5th ed., pp. 122-177). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Gold, P. B., Kivlighan, D. M., Kerr, A. E., & Kramer, L. A. (1993). The structure of students perceptions of impactful, helpful events in career exploration classes. Journal of Career Assessment, 1, 145-161.
Goldman, L. (1976). A revolution in counseling research. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 23(6), 543-552.
Goldstein, A. P., & Shipman, W. G. (1961). Patient expectancies, symptom reduction and aspects of initial psychotherapeutic interview. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 17, 129-133.
Greenberg, L. S., & Safran, J. D. (1989). Emotion in psychotherapy. American Psychologist, 44, 19-29.
Gunderson, J. G., Najavits, L. M., Leonhard, C., Sullivan, C. N., & Sabo, A. S. (1997). Ontogeny of the therapeutic alliance in borderline patients. Psychiatry Research, 7, 301-309.
Gurman, A. S. (1977). The patient’s perception of the therapeutic relationship. Em A. S. Gurman & A. M. Razin (Eds.), Effective psychotherapy: A handbook of research (pp. 503-543). NY: Pergamon Press.
Gysbers, N. C. (2004). Life career development: A needed perspective for all counseling. Em G. R. Walz & R. Yep (Eds), Vistas: Perspectives on counseling 2004, CD Rom, American Counseling Association and Counseling Outfitters/CAPS Press.
Gysbers, N. C., Heppner, M. J., & Johnston, J. A. (2003). Career counseling: Process, issues, and techniques (2th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Hartley, D. E., & Strupp, H. H. (1983). The therapeutic alliance: Its relationship to outcome in brief psychotherapy. Em J. Masling (Ed.), Empirical studies in analytic theories (pp. 1-37). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum
Heppner, M. J., & Hendricks, F. (1995). A process and outcome study examining career indecision and indecisiveness. Journal of Counseling and Development, 73, 426-437.
Heppner, M. J., & Heppner, P. P. (2003). Identifying process variables in career counseling: A research agenda. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 62, 429-452.
Heppner, M. J., & Heppner, P. P. (2004). Career counseling. Em C. Spielberger (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied psychology. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Heppner, M. J., & Heppner, P. P. (2007). Quali aspetti del processo di career counseling conducono a risultati efficaci. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia dell’Orientamento, 7(3),3-7.
Heppner M. J., & Jordan, S. (2007). Career process and outcome: The encyclopedia of counseling. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Heppner, M. J., Multon, K. D., Gysbers, N. C., Ellis, C. A., & Zook, C. E. (1998). The relationship of trainee self-efficacy to the process and outcome of career counseling. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 45(4), 393-402.
Heppner, P. P., & Heppner, P. P. (2007). Il problem solving nel processo di career counseling. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia dell’Orientamento, 7(3), 9-13.
Hill, C. E., Carter, J. A., & O’Farrell, M. K. (1983). A case study of the process and outcome of time-limited counselling. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 30(1), 3-18.
Hill, C. E. Helms, J. E., Spielgel, S. B., & Tichenor, V. (1988). Development of a system for categorizing client reactions to therapist interventions. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 35, 27-36.
Hill, C. E., & O’Grady, K. E. (1985). A list of therapist intentions illustrated in case study and with therapists of varying theoretical orientations. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 32, 3-22.
Hill, C., & Williams, E. (2000). The process of individual therapy. Em S. Brown & R. Lent (Eds.), Handbook of counseling psychology. (3th ed., pp.670-710). NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Holland, J. L., Magoon, T. M., & Spokane, A. R. (1981). Counseling psychology: Career interventions, research, and theory. Annual Review of Psychology, 32, 279-305.
Horvath, A. O., & Luborsky, L. (1993). The role of the therapeutic alliance in psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61(4), 561-573.
Karle, W., Hart, R., Gold, J., Maple, S., & Hopper, M. (1976). The maintenance of psychophysiological changes in feeling therapy. Psychological Reports, 39, 1143-1147.
Kayano, J. (2009). Conscientization of a carrer counseling process: Becoming aware of one´s career counseling process. Japan Labor Review, 6(4), 135-156.
Kivlighan, D., & Shaughnessy, P. (1995). Analysis of the development of the working alliance using hierarchical linear modeling. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 42(3), 338-349.
Krischner, T., Hoffman, M., & Hill, C. (1994). Case study of the process and outcomes of career counseling. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 41, 216-226.
Lewis, J. (2001). Career and personal counseling: Comparing process and outcome. Journal of Employment Counseling, 38, 82-90.
Luborsky, L., Chandler, M., Auerbach, A. H., Cohen, J., & Bachrach, H. M. (1971). Factors influencing the outcome of psychotherapy: A review of quantitative research. Psychological Bulletin, 75, 145-85.
Larson, L. M., & Majors, M. S. (1998). Applications of the coping with career indecision instrument with adolescents. Journal of Career Assessment, 6, 163-179.
Lillard, M. N. (1991). Career counseling from a social influence perspective. Effects of interpretation style with career indecisive clients. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Memphis State University, Memphis.
Malan, D. H. (1973). The outcome problem in psychotherapy research: A historical review. Archives of General Psychiatry, 29, 719-729.
Marshall, S. K., Young, R. A., & Valach, L. (2007). Making career theories more culturally sensitive: Implications for counseling. The Career Development Quarterly, 56(1); 4-18
McMahon, M. (2005). Career counseling: Applying the systems theory framework of career development. Journal of Employment Counseling. 42(1), 29-39.
Miller, M. (1992). Effects of note-taking on perceived counselor social influence during a career counseling session. Journal of counseling Psychology. 39, 317-320.
Multon, K. D., Ellis-Kalton, C. A., Heppner, M. J., & Gysbers, N. C (2003). The relationship between counselor verbal response modes and the working alliance in career counseling. The Career Development Quarterly, 51(3), 259-273.
Multon, K. D., Heppner, M. J., Gysbers, N. C., Zook, C. E., & Ellis-Kalton, C. (2001). Client psychological distress: An important factor in career counseling. The Career Development Quarterly, 49, 324-335
Multon, K. D., Wood, R., Heppner, M. J., & Gysbers, N. C. (2007). A cluster analytic investigation of subtypes of adult career counseling clients: Toward a taxonomy of career problems. Journal of Career Assessment, 15, 66-86.
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O’Brien K. M., Heppner M. J., Flores L. Y. & Bikos L. H. (1997). The career counseling self-efficacy scale: Instrument development and training applications. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 44, 20-31
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