Descriptive Variables of Altruism in Behavior Analysis




Altruism, Altruistic behavior, Molar behavior, Social behavior


This research aimed to systematize the descriptive variables cited in the behavior-analytic literature about altruism. Searches were performed in databases and Brazilian journals specialized in Behavior Analysis. Descriptors related to Behavior Analysis were combined with the words altruism and altruistic, resulting in 19 articles. The analyses indicated that altruism was approached as a class of behaviors with varied topographies, from sympathetic to aggressive ones, occurring under the antecedent control of rules and self-rules, and of establishing operations such as empathy. As consequences that can maintain altruistic behavior, immediate consequences were identified (production of positive reinforcers, removal of aversive events), and also delayed positive reinforcing consequences, which would characterize altruism as a molar and self-controlled behavioral pattern.


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How to Cite

Descriptive Variables of Altruism in Behavior Analysis. (2021). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 37.