Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Scale of Support for Training Transfer


  • Lara Barros Martins Universidade de São Paulo
  • Thaís Zerbini Universidade de São Paulo
  • Francisco J. Medina Universidad de Sevilla


e-learning; assessment; support to training transfer; scale; effectiveness of training


This study aimed to analyze the factor structure and psychometric properties of a Training Transfer Support Scale (STTS) and its relationship with the effectiveness of training at work. A total of 1,540 employees of a public Brazilian bank participated in this study by responding to the STTS and a measure of transfer of training after taking part in an online course. Reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and multiple regressions were conducted. A three-factor structure was found and a high level of fit for the models. Evidence of the construct validity of the measures was obtained, and the participants’ perception of support was positive related to the transfer of training to the workplace and overall performance.


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How to Cite

Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Scale of Support for Training Transfer. (2019). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 34. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/revistaptp/article/view/27918