Family Environment and School Performance of Teenagers
Family environment, School performance, School failure, Elementary school, AdolescentsAbstract
Family environment has a significant impact on the school path of children. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between different dimensions of family environment (cohesion, conflict, expressiveness, independence, assertiveness, cultural / intellectual orientation, leisure, religion; organization and control) and school performance of adolescents with and without history of school failure. It´s a correlational and comparative cross-sectional and quantitative study, in which 24 parents and 18 adolescents with a failure history participated, as also 19 parents and adolescents without the same history. They answered the Family Environment Scale. The comparison analysis indicated that leisure, in parents' assessment, and cohesion, in adolescents’ assessment, were more present in the group without failure. In addition, correlation analysis revealed that when more family conflict was perceived by the adolescents; greater was the number of failures they experienced. The results suggest that an appropriate family environment can stimulate school success.
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