Relapse of Operant Variability with the Combination of the Renewal, Reinstatement, and Resurgence Procedures




Variability, Relapse, Renewal, Reinstatement, Resurgence


The reappearance of previously extinguished behavioral variability (i.e. relapse) was investigated with three experimental models: renewal, reinstatement and resurgence. In the Training Phase (context A), when exposed to the multiple Lag 10 Yoke schedule, rats showed similar levels of variability in both components. In the Elimination Phase (context B), the multiple Repetition schedule promoted the extinction of variability. In the Test Phase (context A), with the suspension of the repetition contingency and the delivery of response-independent reinforcers, variability reappeared in the “Lag 10” component, the one previously correlated with the reinforcement of variation, but not in the “Yoke” component. This result suggests that the variability observed in the relapse test corresponded to operant variability, and not to extinction-induced variability.


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How to Cite

Relapse of Operant Variability with the Combination of the Renewal, Reinstatement, and Resurgence Procedures. (2021). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 37.