Content of Stereotypes and Racial Prejudice: Effects of Cordiality and Competence
stereotypes; competence; warmth; implicit and explicit prejudiceAbstract
Using the Stereotype Content Model (SCT), we analyzed in two studies the relationship between the dimensions of warmth and competence of stereotypes with the racial prejudice expressions. In the first study, 169 undergraduates participated (M age=21.7 years, 47% brown skin). We found implicit prejudice, greater attribution of competence to whites than to blacks and a relationship between modern racism and attribution of competence to whites. In the second study, 143 undergraduates took part (M age=25.4, 64.9% brown skin). We found that blacks described as incompetent-friendly received greater competence stereotyping than whites incompetent-cold. We concluded that: 1) the dimension of warmth did not apply to blacks and 2) there is a relationship between SCT and racial prejudice expressions.
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